How does remote interpretation work?

Use the Devices with Absolute Ease

There is no requirement to buy or rent costly conference equipment any longer. Daasta helps businesses in saving significant investment cost.

Remote real-time understanding for


Time Saver

The participants can easily save valuable time as there is no need to wait in the long queues to find their headsets and return them back as well.


It allows the participants the freedom to start listening to the conference before they reach at the venue, or to move around at the time of the event and still familiar about what is actually happening on the stage.

Remote attendance

It allows the people to listen remotely without physically available for the event.

Better Sound quality

Daasta’s solution makes sure for the best level make sure for the best sound quality for the participants. We focus on each listener’s statistics, so we can speedily act if somewhat goes incorrect.

Wonderful experience

The participants can easily have at the right side to have the ease of having their own device. There is no need to have that heavy traditional equipment. There is no need of hygiene as well.


Highly dedicated audience

Daasta’s customized solution lets the listeners not to trouble with the usual understanding equipment, which mean a more listening carefully audience for your speech.

Level of Confidence

With the mobile system streaming crunchy audio to your users and the team check out the quality of the sound of each attendee, you can feel positive with knowledge you and believe only about what you have to speak.


We can add any sort of questions you might wish to ask attendees related to speech in our app. It allows a listener to leave an easy feedback.


It’s not simply what you say; it’s also how you speak it. Just by cooperating with Daasta’s, you will be one step forward of more speakers that associate with conventional translation hardware.

Brand recognition

Our customized software can be used for the brand you actually represent. One can easily add the logo of the company, the name of the brand and even title of the event.



With Daasta’s, interpreters have the possibility to work distantly from anyplace in the world. The app allow them switch with other predictors if they wish to take a break, or require stopping for any surprising reasons.

Relay chat

If the target language is used rare, we give a relay chat which permits for different interpreters to work jointly in a series to interpret the language to the final language.


Since the interpreters don’t require moving physically to the venue to understand, they can be more proficient and make use of the more time to work in an event.

Actual video and audio

The interpreters have the chance to see the video as well as hear the audio happening on the stage on the real-time which turns the interpreting quick simple.


Daasta’s has collected a broad society of experienced interpreters who can use this chance to network and distribute their experience to turned even improved professionals.


Easy to use app – Soon to come!


Also try web version:
